Oscar Pistorius murder trial: Toilet door set up as exhibit in courtroom

The brown toilet cubicle door through which Oscar Pistorius shot and killed his girlfriend has been set up in the courtroom at the athlete's murder trial, suggesting prosecutors will attempt to recreate his shooting of Reeva Steenkamp a year ago.

Pistorius, lead defense lawyer Barry Roux and court officials gathered around the door ahead of Wednesday's proceedings, examining what appeared to be bullet holes marked with white tags in the wood.

Pistorius, the world-famous double-amputee runner, is on trial for murder for firing four times through the door in a bathroom at his home on Feb. 14 last year, hitting Steenkamp three times and killing her. He says he shot her by mistake thinking she was a dangerous intruder hiding in a toilet cubicle. Prosecutors maintain Pistorius shot Steenkamp intentionally.