Official: IS fighters 'completely surrounded' in Iraqi town

The spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition fighting the Islamic State group in Iraq says the militants are "completely surrounded" in the town of Tal Afar and "are being killed."

U.S. Army Col. Ryan Dillon says the IS militants in the town are being deprived of their resources and at the "cusp of yet another defeat."

Iraqi spokesman, Brig. Gen. Yahya Rasool, put the estimated number of IS fighters remaining in Tal Afar at 2,000. He says most are foreigners, non-Iraqi Arabs but that there are also some locals fighting with IS.

Rasool says about 10,000 civilians remain inside the city but that authorities have secured safe corridors for them.

Tal Afar is about 150 kilometers, or 93 miles, from Syria's border and it's among the last IS-held towns in Iraq.