Official: Egyptian diplomat in Libya's capital of Tripoli kidnapped from home

A spokesman for Egypt's Foreign Ministry says one of its diplomats has been kidnapped in Libya.

Spokesman Badr Abdelattie told The Associated Press late Friday that the Egyptian Embassy's administrative attaché was kidnapped in Tripoli, Libya's capital. Abdelattie said the ambassador was trying to ascertain what happened.

Libyan authorities could not be immediately reached for comment.

Kidnappings happen frequently in Libya, which has been plagued by turmoil since its 2011 civil war that toppled dictator Moammar Gadhafi. Prime Minister Ali Zidan himself was even kidnapped last year. Successive transitional governments largely have failed to disarm and integrate rebel brigades following the war, allowing them to be heavily armed and powerful.

Earlier this week, gunmen kidnapped a South Korean man who is an official with the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency KOTRA.