Myanmar's Suu Kyi hopes parliamentary election victory is dawn of new era

April 2, 2012: Myanmar pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi talks to supporters at the headquarters of her National League for Democracy party in Yangon, Myanmar. (AP)

Democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi's victory in parliamentary elections is the biggest prize of her political career. But the weekend vote for only a few dozen legislative seats may have sown the seeds of something far more significant -- the possibility her party could sweep the next vote in 2015 and take control of Myanmar's government.

That, for now, remains only a tantalizing dream for her supporters, and making it happen in three years' time may be unrealistic in a nation still heavily influenced by a feared military whose powers and influence remain enshrined in the constitution.

Still, hope for installing a truly free government hasn't run this high in decades.

"We hope this will be the beginning of a new era," a beaming Suu Kyi said Monday.

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