Moldovan protesters meet PM to discuss demands as anti-gov't protest goes into 5th day

Protesters have met with Moldova's prime minister to discuss their demands after an anti-government demonstration went into its fifth day.

A few hundred protesters have been camped out in a pedestrian main square since tens of thousands rallied against the government on Sept. 6, demanding a probe into the disappearance of up to $1.5 billion from three Moldovan banks last year.

Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet met protesters Thursday and told them the government is working urgently to resolve Moldova's problems. He said he will not resign because it would cause political instability.

The state-owned Savings Bank, the Social Bank and Unibank, from where the money disappeared before the November 2014 parliamentary elections, were put under the National Bank of Moldova's administration in December. Losses were covered by state reserves.