Militia signs cease-fire with Republic of Congo government

A militia says it has signed a cease-fire with the Republic of Congo government, agreeing to stop hostilities and help collect weapons held by fighters.

Jean Gustave N'Tondo said the Ninjas Nsiloulou fighters signed the agreement Saturday to facilitate the free movement of people, goods and property in the Pool region where the militia started attacking in April 2016 after the president's re-election.

A March 2003 peace accord had integrated its fighters into the military and allowed its leader, Frederic Bintsamou, to be a government minister. When the group reassembled and started attacking in 2016, he fled.

N'Tondo assured respect for the cease-fire if the government helps resettle people in the region and reintegrates fighters.

Fighting has displaced more than 200,000 people and closed railways between Pool and Brazzaville.