Medic: At least 16 die after explosion hits bus station in Kano, in northern Nigeria

A medic says at least 16 people were killed in an explosion that hit a bus station in Kano in northern Nigeria.

The medic, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the press, said at least 16 dead and dozens more injured people were brought to the Murtala Muhammad Specialist Hospital after Monday's blast.

National Emergency Management Agency spokesman Yushau Shuaib said it was not clear if there had been one or multiple explosions.

Residents' suspicion fell on the radical Islamist sect, Boko Haram, which has waged a campaign of bombings across Nigeria's north.

The blast occurred in a Christian enclave in Kano. It came hours after an attack blamed on Boko Haram killed a teacher and injured three students in northeastern Nigeria.