Major attacks by US designated Pakistani militant group

Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, or the Freedom Movement, a breakaway Taliban faction and a U.S.-designated terrorist group, has claimed responsibility for many of the most brutal militant attacks carried out in recent weeks and months in Pakistan.

Here is a look at some of the major attacks the group has claimed.

— Sept 18: Gunmen killed three Pakistani soldiers in the northwestern city of Peshawar.

— Sept 16: A suicide attack killed 36 worshippers in a Sunni mosque in the northwestern tribal region of Mohmand.

— Sept 13: A roadside bomb killed two policemen in the southwestern city of Quetta.

— Sept 13: A suicide attack in the southwestern city of Shikarpur was prevented by a police officer, who later died.

— Sept 11: Gunmen killed a police inspector and a doctor in Peshawar.

— Sept 8: Gunmen killed two policemen in the Arabian Sea port city of Karachi.

— Sept 8: Four policemen were shot and killed in Peshawar

— Sept. 2: Twin suicide attacks on a Christian colony near Peshawar

— Sept. 2: Bombing at a district court in northwest Mardan killed at least 12 people.

— Sept. 2: Two security forces killed in Mohmand tribal area.

— Aug. 8: Suicide bomber attacks hospital in Quetta killing nearly 80 people.

— March 27: Suicide bombing hit Christians celebrating Easter in the city of Lahore, killing more than 70 people.

— March 7: Suicide bombing killed 17 people and wounds 31 in a crowded court in the northwest.

— March 1: Attack killed two employees of U.S. consulate in Mohmand tribal region.