Lithuania: Failed impeachment leads to calls for early vote

At least 5,000 people have rallied in Lithuania's capital to demand an early parliamentary election after lawmakers failed to impeach one of their own for his reported ties to Russia.

A protester at Thursday's demonstration, Andrius Kazlauskas, said the small Baltic nation's parliament deliberately didn't reach the 85 votes needed to impeach Mindaugas Bastys.

Parliament's probes concluded that Bastys had communicated with Russian lobbyists and acted against Lithuanian interests. Lithuania's secret service said Bastys had personal relationships with people representing Russian state nuclear monopoly Rosatom.

Bastys resigned on Wednesday, but has denied any wrongdoing. There is no indication he is the subject of a criminal investigation.

Protesters said Bastys' resignation didn't change their grievances because they think the current parliament is the core of a bigger problem.