Laborer asks China's 2nd-richest man for a job, then attacks him for denying the request

Police have arrested a laborer who approached China's second-richest man to ask for a job and then attacked and injured the company chairman when he denied the request.

China's official Xinhua News said Wednesday that Zong Qinghou, chairman of food and beverage giant Hangzhou Wahaha Group, is recovering from injuries to his left hand after Friday's attack in the eastern city of Hangzhou.

Xinhua identified the suspect as a 49-year-old migrant worker surnamed Yang. It said Yang wanted a job at Wahaha, and sought out Zong after watching a television program about the businessman's assistance to migrant workers.

It said Yang attacked Zong after his job request was turned down.

With wealth of nearly $19 billion, Zong is China's second-richest man.