Kyodo News president to resign over official's inappropriate actions toward female applicant

Kyodo News agency says its president Satoshi Ishikawa has announced he will resign next month over inappropriate behavior by the company's former head of personnel toward a female job applicant.

Deputy Managing Director Shoji Mitsuchi said Ishikawa said Thursday he will step down to take responsibility for "creating confusion" over the incident.

A top deputy, Senior Executive Director Shuichi Ito, will also resign. The resignations will be formalized at a June 20 regular general meeting of Kyodo's members, who are expected to select Ishikawa's successor.

Mitsuchi said Kyodo's former head of personnel, Satoru Kondo, was fired May 20 after the company discovered he had helped a university student on her application essay and went out drinking with her at a traditional Japanese bar in December.

Ishikawa became president in 2005.