Kenya: Police fire tear gas, make arrests during protests

Opposition supporters, some carrying rocks, flee from clouds of tear gas fired by riot police, during a protest in downtown Nairobi, Kenya Monday, May 16, 2016. Kenyan police have tear-gassed and beaten opposition supporters during a protest demanding the disbandment of the electoral authority over alleged bias and corruption. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis) (The Associated Press)

Opposition supporters, some carrying rocks, flee from exploding tear gas grenades fired by riot police, during a protest in downtown Nairobi, Kenya Monday, May 16, 2016. Kenyan police have tear-gassed and beaten opposition supporters during a protest demanding the disbandment of the electoral authority over alleged bias and corruption. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis) (The Associated Press)

An opposition supporter is beaten with a wooden club by riot police as he tries to flee, during a protest in downtown Nairobi, Kenya Monday, May 16, 2016. Kenyan police have tear-gassed and beaten opposition supporters during a protest demanding the disbandment of the electoral authority over alleged bias and corruption. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis) (The Associated Press)

Kenyan police have fired tear gas to break up protests over electoral reforms ahead of general elections next year.

Associated Press journalists saw police beating some protesters who had gathered outsides the offices of Kenya's electoral commission in the capital Nairobi on Monday. The protests are led by opposition leader Raila Odinga, who lost the most recent election in 2013 to President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Paul Wanjama, police chief for central police station in Nairobi, said they detained at least 15 demonstrators who will be charged Tuesday. He did not say what charges they face.

Odinga says polls in 2017 cannot be free and fair if the current election commission remains in place and calls for the commissioners to be removed from office.