Kenya lawyer: Radical Muslim leader shot dead; the 3rd to be assassinated from same mosque

The lawyer for a radical Islamic leader, who had been sanctioned by the United States and the United Nations for supporting the al-Qaida-linked Somali militant group al-Shabab, says his client has been assassinated.

Attorney Mbugua Mureithi said that Abubakar Shariff Ahmed was shot dead Tuesday along with another man whose identity has not yet been established near the Shimo la Tewa prison in Mombasa.

Muslim cleric at Masjid Shuhadaa Mosque, Sheik Aboud Rogo — who was a friend of Ahmed — was assassinated in August 2012. Fourteen months later, another leader of the same mosque met the same fate. There have been no arrests in either case.

Following the first two killings, Ahmed told The Associated Press in November that he believed he was living on borrowed time.