Israeli group honors Nikki Haley with coin

An Israeli organization has minted a coin emblazoned with the face of Nikki Haley, President Donald Trump's former ambassador to the United Nations, to commemorate her defense of Israel in the world body.

The Sanhedrin, a Jewish group that says it aims to restore the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, is one of three organizations behind the coin.

The collector's coin, which costs $50, features Haley's face set against the U.N. building, and a rendition of the Jewish Temple on the back.

Hillel Weiss, spokesman for Sanhedrin, said Wednesday that Haley's criticism of the U.N., which he says "seeks to destroy the state of Israel," earned her the recognition.

He says the group last year sold 20,000 "Temple Coins" engraved with Trump's face to honor his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.