Ireland's foreign minister says he's quitting as Labour Party chief after bad election results

The foreign minister and deputy premier of Ireland, Eamon Gilmore, says he's quitting as leader of the Labour Party after a terrible showing in local and European elections.

Gilmore announced Monday he will quit rather than face a no-confidence vote among Labour lawmakers. Gilmore said he will remain until Labour elects his replacement.

Ireland's two-party government faces a heavy reshuffle of Cabinet ministers following Gilmore's announcement combined with weak election results for the larger government party, Fine Gael led by Prime Minister Enda Kenny.

Center-right Fine Gael and left-wing Labour formed a coalition with an unprecedented parliamentary majority in 2011, when voters punished the previous government for leading Ireland to the brink of bankruptcy.

Voters deserted Labour in Friday's voting in favor of opposition politicians promising an end to austerity.