Indonesian authorities arrest German man in Bali for allegedly trying to smuggle cocaine

Indonesian authorities arrested a German man for allegedly trying to smuggle 239 grams (8.4 ounces) of cocaine onto Indonesia's resort island of Bali, some of it hidden inside his stomach, an official said Saturday.

Hans Peter Naumann, 48, was arrested Friday after he arrived on a flight from Bangkok, said customs official Djarot Utomo.

Officers had Naumann X-rayed soon after suspecting something was hidden in his stomach, Utomo said.

Eleven white capsules filled with cocaine were found in Naumann's underwear, and doctors found six others inside his stomach, all worth $65,000, Utomo said.

Police are still investigating and Naumann hasn't been charged yet.

Indonesia has extremely strict drug laws and convicted smugglers are often executed. More than 140 people are on death row, mostly for drug crimes. About a third of them are foreigners.

Last year, a British woman was sentenced to death for smuggling $2.5 million worth of cocaine into Bali in her luggage.