Greece says new bailout talks to begin after lawmakers pass bank resolution laws Wednesday

A man passes graffiti in Athens, Tuesday, July 21, 2015. Banks reopened Monday for the first time in three weeks. But for most Greeks, already buffeted by six years of recession, Monday was all about rising prices as tax hikes demanded by creditors took effect. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis) (The Associated Press)

A woman holds her tablet in front of a shop selling old stereo systems in Athens, Tuesday, July 21, 2015. Banks reopened Monday for the first time in three weeks. But for most Greeks, already buffeted by six years of recession, Monday was all about rising prices as tax hikes demanded by creditors took effect. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis) (The Associated Press)

A woman reads a paper in front of a shop selling old stereo systems in Athens, Tuesday, July 21, 2015. Banks reopened Monday for the first time in three weeks. But for most Greeks, already buffeted by six years of recession, Monday was all about rising prices as tax hikes demanded by creditors took effect. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis) (The Associated Press)

Greece's government spokeswoman says talks with the country's creditors for a new multibillion-euro rescue package will begin right after parliament approves laws on propping up and winding up banks.

Olga Gerovasili said in a statement Tuesday that the vote on the bank laws will take place Wednesday. She said negotiations on the new bailout will conclude on Aug. 20.

Gerovasili said Greece already met other conditions outlined by creditors for bailout talks to begin when lawmakers voted through package of measures including wide-ranging sales tax hikes.

She said a vote on pension reform has been pushed back with the creditors' consent and insisted that there won't be any vote on changing how farmers are taxed.