Freezing weather kills 13 more in north India

Police say near-freezing temperatures and Himalayan winds killed at least 13 homeless people in northern India, raising the death toll from a severe cold spell to 129.

Temperatures dipped below 33 degrees Fahrenheit (1 degree Celsius) in parts of Uttar Pradesh this week, and plunged to 33 F (0.6 C) in Agra, the city where the Taj Mahal is located.

Thirteen people died in Uttar Pradesh overnight Wednesday despite welfare authorities distributing blankets and firewood, said police spokesman Surendra Srivastava.

At least 26 other people have died in neighboring Bihar and Jharkhand states and in the capital, New Delhi, during the three-week long cold snap.

Poor visibility also disrupted rail schedules across northern India, stranding thousands of people.

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