Fiji says Syrian insurgents agree to release 45 UN peacekeepers this week without conditions.

Fiji's military chief says Syrian insurgents have agreed to release 45 United Nations peacekeepers this week without conditions.

Brig. Gen. Mosese Tikoitoga said Wednesday that Fiji has received word from U.N. headquarters in New York that the Nusra Front will release the men in the coming days without any conditions or demands.

The al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front had earlier listed three demands for releasing the Fijian peacekeepers it took captive Aug. 28.

The group had demanded to be taken off the U.N. terrorist list, wanted humanitarian aid delivered to parts of the Syrian capital Damascus, and wanted compensation for three of its fighters it says were killed in a shootout with U.N. officers.

Tikoitoga said Fiji's friendships it had built through peacekeeping over the years had contributed to the positive outcome.