Facing pressure to end strikes, SAfrican miners find strength in crowd numbers, tough words

Strikes are slowly paralyzing South Africa's critically important mining industry.

About 80,000 miners, or 16 percent of the country's total mining workforce, are striking across South Africa, according to Lesiba Seshoka of the National Union of Mineworkers.

The strikers are inspired by Marikana, where last month platinum miners got a pay raise of up to 22 percent in an agreement that settled an illegal strike whose level of violence shocked the nation.

In the weeks since the Marikana strike ended, unrest has affected several gold and platinum mines and weakened South Africa's image as an investment destination. The strikes have hit AngloGold Ashanti, a top gold producer in South Africa, and Anglo American Platinum, the world's largest producer of platinum. The labor unrest has even spread to the nation's truckers.