Eurozone's top official says time running out for Greece to secure deal to avoid bankruptcy

An man walk past a kiosk with Greek flags for sale in central Athens, Thursday, April 23, 2015. Greece is running perilously short of cash amid an impasse in bailout talks with its international creditors. Eurozone finance ministers are to meet in Riga, Latvia on Friday but hopes of a deal on Greece there have diminished. (AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris) (The Associated Press)

A man watches the city of Athens at Filopalous hill, on Friday, April 24, 2015. Time is running out for Greece to reach a deal with bailout creditors and prevent the country going bankrupt, the eurozone’s top official said Friday as he headed into discussions with his colleagues from the 19-country single currency zone. (AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris) (The Associated Press)

A street vendor carries handmade canes past the Athens' municipality building in central Athens, on Friday April 24, 2015. Time is running out for Greece to reach a deal with bailout creditors and prevent the country going bankrupt, the eurozone’s top official said Friday as he headed into discussions with his colleagues from the 19-country single currency zone. (AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris) (The Associated Press)

Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the eurozone's top official, said "time is running out" for Greece to reach a deal with bailout creditors.

Heading into discussions with his colleagues in the 19-country eurozone, Dijsselbloem says there's a "great sense of urgency" from all sides to get a deal done. However, he dashed any expectations that one would be secured at the meeting in the Latvian capital of Riga.

He said Friday that it's particularly important for Athens that a deal is secured soon so the country can get the financial support it needs "to make sure there's enough money available to keep the government running."

Greece had an end-of-April date to agree to more reforms in exchange for rescue money its creditors had set aside. Without the money, Greece faces potential bankruptcy.