Efforts to raise sunken Danube tour boat starting in Hungary

A crane float on the Danube river under the Margaret Bridge where a sightseeing boat capsized in Budapest, Hungary, Monday, June 10, 2019. A huge floating crane is in place at Margit Bridge as preparations continue to lift the boat off the river floor. (AP Photo/Darko Bandic)

People watch as a 200-ton lift capacity crane manoeuvres into position near the Margaret bridge on the Danube river, Monday, June 10, 2019, preparing to salvage to sunken shipwreck from the scene of a deadly boat accident in Budapest, Hungary. A search operation continues for missing victims after a sightseeing boat carrying 33 South Korean tourists was crashed into by a large river cruise ship and sank into the River Danube on May 29. (Zoltan Mathe/MTI via AP)

Hungarian and South Korean rescuers are starting efforts to raise a sunken tour boat out of the Danube River after a fatal collision.

A huge floating crane, barges and rescue personnel could be seen early Tuesday at Budapest's Margit Bridge, where a sightseeing boat sank May 29 after colliding with a much larger river cruise ship.

Nineteen South Koreans and a Hungarian crewman have been confirmed dead, with eight people missing. Seven people were rescued after the nighttime collision amid heavy rain.

Rescue officials said Sunday that preparations for the lift, including divers installing four wire harnesses under the Hableany (Mermaid), were nearly complete, with some technical and security details pending.

The captain of the other ship in the collision, the Viking Sigyn, has been under arrest since June 1.