Chinese prosecutors indict former mayor of Nanjing on corruption charges

In this photo taken Wednesday, July 11, 2012, then Nanjing Mayor Ji Jianye speaks at a ceremony in Nanjing in east China's Jiangsu province. Ji was indicted Wednesday, Dec 17, 2014 on corruption charges amid a widening anti-graft crackdown. His former position is equivalent to that of a vice minister, making him one of the highest-ranking officials to be pulled in by the anti-corruption drive launched after President Xi was installed as party chief two years ago. (AP Photo) CHINA OUT (The Associated Press)

Chinese prosecutors say they have indicted a former mayor of the eastern city of Nanjing on corruption charges amid an anti-graft crackdown.

China's top prosecuting office announced Wednesday that Ji Jianye faces charges of using his Communist Party and government positions to take massive bribes in return for favors.

Ji's former position is equivalent to that of a vice minister, making him one of the highest-ranking officials to be pulled in by an ongoing anti-corruption drive since President Xi was installed as party chief two years ago.

Ji's official resume shows he spent his entire career climbing the ladder of the party apparatus in relatively wealthy Jiangsu province, of which Nanjing is the capital.