Chile's Pinera: We're all praying for Chavez to win what may be his toughest battle in life

Venezuela's Vice President Nicolas Maduro, left, speaks and a member of his delegation speak during the closing ceremony of the CELAC-EU summit in Santiago, Chile, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. A 60-nation summit wrapped up in Chile on Sunday with leaders from the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean renewing calls for giving investors "legal certainty" and dropping barriers to trade between economies that together represent a billion people and $280 billion in commerce. (AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano) (The Associated Press)

Chilean President Sebastian Pinera warmly praised Hugo Chavez on Sunday, crediting the Venezuelan leader's "vision, tenacity and strength" for forging the alliance of Latin American and Caribbean leaders that was able to meet European leaders as equals this weekend.

"We're all praying so that he can win a battle, perhaps the toughest battle of his life, and that he's doing it with this strength and courage that he's always showed, to recover his health," Pinera said to applause from Venezuelan Vice President Nicolas Maduro and other leaders.

Venezuelan officials have released limited information about the cancer and condition of their charismatic leader, who has been an outsized presence at many other summits. He remains in Havana receiving treatment after his fourth operation.

Foreign Minister Elias Jaua said he brought a signed message from Chavez to the summit. The delegation has yet to reveal its contents, but Information Minister Ernesto Villegas said Sunday that the important thing is that "his signature is on it."

"That is Chavez writing, the same Chavez as ever, who is alive and battling for his health, and at the same time is battling for the construction of a better, more equal world," Villegas said. "Chavez is alive; he's governing the country."