Chile bishop says knew nothing of pedophile priest's abuses, denies he got him trip to France

A bishop in Chile says he had no knowledge of the sexual abuses committed by the country's most infamous pedophile priest.

The Rev. Juan Barros also said Friday that he didn't help the Rev. Fernando Karadima get a trip to France.

Karadima testified in court this week that Barros helped him get the trip for the 50th anniversary of his priesthood. He also said he had a "very sincere friendship" with Barros.

Three of Karadima's victims are suing Chile's Catholic Church. They are accusing Barros and other church officials of a cover-up.

The Vatican ordered Karadima to a life of penance and prayer in 2011 for abusing young boys.

His victims have criticized the pope's recent appointment of Barros as bishop of the southern city of Osorno.