Cargo ship taking on water in Channel as storm lashes UK

Waves crash into the wall at Newhaven in south England, as a storm, Storm Angus, the year’s first big winter storm in Britain, lashes England’s south coast, Sunday Nov. 20, 2016. Forecasters say winds of 68 mph (110 kph) hit the south coast early Sunday, with a gust of 97 mph (156 kph) recorded offshore. (Andrew Matthews/PA via AP) (The Associated Press)

A coastguard helicopter attends the scene where some crew members are being removed from the cargo ship that is taking on water in the English Channel, as a storm, Storm Angus, the year’s first big winter storm in Britain, lashes England’s south coast, Sunday Nov. 20, 2016. Forecasters say winds of 68 mph (110 kph) hit the south coast early Sunday, with a gust of 97 mph (156 kph) recorded offshore. (Gareth Fuller/PA via AP) (The Associated Press)

A coastguard helicopter attends the scene where some crew members are being removed from the cargo ship that is taking on water in the English Channel, as a storm, Storm Angus, the year’s first big winter storm in Britain, lashes England’s south coast, Sunday Nov. 20, 2016. Forecasters say winds of 68 mph (110 kph) hit the south coast early Sunday, with a gust of 97 mph (156 kph) recorded offshore. (Gareth Fuller/PA via AP) (The Associated Press)

British coast guards say some crew members are being removed from a cargo ship that is taking on water in the English Channel as a storm lashes England's south coast.

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency says the 650-foot (200-meter) vessel hit a barge full of rocks after losing power near Dover. A tug is being sent to tow it to safety.

The Meteorological Office says 2 inches (54 mm) of rain fell in Exeter, southwest England, during Storm Angus, the first big storm of the autumn-winter season in Britain.

Forecasters say 68 mph (110 kph) winds hit the south coast Sunday, with a gust of 97 mph (156 kph) recorded offshore.

Firefighters called to a seafront blaze in Bognor Regis say they struggled to stand up in the strong winds.