British teenager accused of planning gun and bomb attack on college that had expelled him

A British teenager has been convicted of planning a gun and bomb attack at his former college, buying a semi-automatic handgun and ammunition online to carry out a massacre.

A jury found Liam Lyburd guilty of amassing weapons to target northern England's Newcastle College, which had expelled him for being disruptive in class.

A file recovered from his laptop and addressed to the college said, "you people ruined my whole life, don't expect me to show mercy today."

Lyburd was arrested Nov. 3 after police received a tipoff from someone alarmed by his Facebook posts.

The 19-year-old pleaded guilty to making pipe bombs and explosive devices, and possessing a 9mm Luger Glock gun, bullets and CS gas. He denied intent to endanger life, claiming the violent plans were just fantasy.