Bosnian war veterans protest the arrest in Switzerland of wartime commander of Srebrenica

Several hundred war veterans in Bosnia have protested the arrest in Switzerland of the wartime commander of the town of Srebrenica, where Serbs massacred thousands of Bosnian Muslims in 1995.

Swiss authorities arrested Naser Oric Wednesday on a request from Serbia, which claims he killed Serb civilians prior to the July 1995 Serb attack on Srebrenica when over 8,000 Muslim Bosnian men and boys were killed, a crime later defined as genocide by international courts.

Protesters on Friday demanded his immediate release as he was acquitted in 2008 by a U.N tribunal, which ruled he had no command over the forces that committed war crimes. Swiss authorities say they will examine whether Serbia's case against Oric differs in any way from the one on which the U.N tribunal previously ruled.