Attackers smash windows of Finnish finance minister's home at night, no one hurt

Finnish Finance Minister Alexander Stubb speaks with the media as he arrives for a meeting of eurozone finance ministers at the EU Council building in Brussels on Friday, Aug. 14, 2015. (AP Photo/Francois Walschaerts) (The Associated Press)

Finnish police say they are investigating a series of attacks in Espoo near Helsinki, including on the finance minister's home in the middle of the night while the family slept inside.

Government security chief Jari Ylitalo said Tuesday that intruders went into Alexander Stubb's garden and "broke some windows," but that no one was hurt.

Stubb told reporters that his family was well and that "life continues as normal."

Ylitalo described the attack as "very rare" and said security officials would review safety precautions for government ministers, adding that Finland is not a country where government ministers are "locked away in their homes behind high walls."

Police said windows were also broken at a children's nursery near the minister's home in Espoo.