Attackers on moped kill Tunisian policeman, wound 2 others near resort town

A Tunisian official says two men on a moped opened fire with a rifle on three policemen in the resort town Sousse, killing one and wounding the other two.

Sahbi Jouini, a member of the policemen's union, said the victims were waiting for transportation to the neighboring town Kairouan from the low-income neighborhood of Hay Zohour when they were attacked Wednesday.

The attackers sped away and a search is now underway, Jouini added.

On June 26, a gunman killed 38 tourists on a beach in Sousse in an attack later claimed by the Islamic State group.

Tunisian police have been carrying out sweeps across the country, arresting hundreds in an effort to crush the terrorist threat against the state.

Government officials blame neighboring Libya for harboring militants targeting the country.