Anti-Qatar bloc adds names, entities to 'terrorism' list

The four Arab countries isolating Qatar over its alleged support for extremists has added 18 more people and organizations to a designated terrorist list.

The countries said Tuesday the designated individuals and groups have direct or indirect ties to Qatar, and include people who have raised funds for the Nusra Front in Syria— since renamed Fatah al-Sham Front — or supported al-Qaida in Yemen. They include Qatari, Kuwaiti, Yemeni and Libyan nationals and Yemeni and Libyan groups.

The quartet of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain previously designated 59 people and 12 entities to a Qatar-linked terrorism list.

Qatar vehemently denies supporting extremists. It sees the isolation effort that began June 5 as a politically motivated smear campaign.