A-Level results to be announced

Illustration. Around 300,000 anxious teenagers will on Thursday find out their A-Level marks, with around a quarter of papers expected to attain an A* or A grade. (AFP/Illustration)

Around 300,000 anxious teenagers will on Thursday find out their A-Level marks, with around a quarter of papers expected to attain an A* or A grade.

Following a clampdown on grade inflation, only around 26 percent of papers are expected to receive top grades.

It would be the second consecutive fall in the number of top grades given out following more than 20 years of rising marks.

The tougher marking regime looks set to put pressure on the clearing service run by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service as students scramble to find spare courses.

Some 26.6 percent of A-level exams were marked A* or A in 2012, down from 27 percent in 2011.