Zebra escapes from farm in Tennessee, roams near homes and businesses for weeks

The black-and-white-striped animal that's been spotted at different places around a Tennessee town isn't a funny-looking horse.

Nope, there's a zebra loose in East Tennessee.

Bradley County dispatchers say they've had several people call to report sightings of the animal — near homes, businesses and even a highway.

Although some people have tried to catch him, the animal named Zeek has remained elusive.

Zeek's owner, Ronald Price, told WCRB-TV (http://bit.ly/JfEFhE) that the animal escaped from his farm in Cleveland about three weeks ago by jumping a high fence.

Price says he's keeping a watch out and hopes that someone is able to help Zeek return home safely.


Information from: WRCB-TV, http://www.wrcbtv.com/