Woman takes stand in husband's OC rape and kidnapping trial

The Latest on the trial of a man charged with raping and abducting a teenager he later married and impregnated (all times local):

3:44 p.m.

A woman testifying in the rape and kidnapping trial of her husband says he began having sex with her when she was a teenager and gave her a new name when they fled her mother's Orange County home.

The woman took the stand Thursday in the trial of Isidro Garcia. He was dating and living with her mother in 2004 when the couple fought.

The woman, who was 15 at the time, says she left the family's Santa Ana, California, apartment and Garcia told her she couldn't go back because police were there and might arrest her.

She says Garcia gave her documents with a new name and a birthdate that was six years older than her real age.

Authorities say she stayed with Garcia out of fear, eventually married him and bore his child before going to police in 2014.

Garcia has pleaded not guilty and contends the girl went with him willingly.