Wildlife refuge employees in Alaska shoot, kill charging Kodiak brown bear; cubs escape

Two employees of the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge killed a Kodiak brown bear sow as it charged Sunday on a brushy hillside.

Kodiak radio station KMXT (http://bit.ly/1CszxS9) reports that the bear fell 8 feet from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service technicians, whose names were not released.

Deputy refuge manager Tevis Underwood says the employees were walking to a hillside camp to observe bear behavior.

Their first indication of the bear was a roar. The bear charged downhill and was not deterred by them waving their arms and shouting.

After the sow was shot, a pair of cubs in their third summer ran off. Underwood says cubs of that age in pairs have a good chance of surviving.

Kodiak bears are considered a unique subspecies of brown or grizzly bears.