Wildfire burning near Wyoming summer homes 15 percent contained; 1 of 3 fires burning in state

Firefighters are beginning to stop the 1,700-acre wildfire burning near about 50 summer homes in Wyoming.

The Fairfield Fire was 15 percent contained Wednesday because of lines crews have dug on its north side. Firefighters will now try to build some containment lines along the head of the fire near Lander.

The homes and campgrounds in Sinks Canyon were evacuated after it broke out Monday. U.S. Forest Service spokeswoman Kristie Salzmann says no homes have been lost. Crews dug lines and an air tanker also dropped slurry to protect them.

It's the most significant fire of the season so far in Wyoming.

Crews are also fighting a fire burning on about 100 acres in the Medicine Bow National Forest. A 250-acre wildfire in the Washakie (WASH'-ah-kee) Wilderness is being monitored.