Why Attending Conferences Is Good for Business

While attending the Content Marketing World conference, Entrepreneur Network partner Kate Volman met with Michael Stelzner, founder of Social Media Examiner, to discuss the importance of attending conferences.

When Stelzner attended his first conference, he brought a cameraman along and asked to interview high-profile speakers. They were happy to do it because they wanted exposure.

Today, Stelzner explains how even though it's easy to make connections online, true relationship bulding will come from in-person meetings. "In a matter of minutes, you can build a relationship that can totally change your business," he says.

Before attending a conference, Stelzner recommends you look up the roster of speakers, decide who you want to meet, attend their sessions and hang around after to introduce yourself.

More From Entrepreneur.com

To learn how you can use conferences to your advantage, click play.

Watch more videos from Volman on her YouTube channel here.

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