Utah boy dies after accidentally shooting himself with replica cannon

A 14-year-old boy from Utah died after accidentally shooting himself in the head with a small replica cannon, the Salt Lake Tribune reported.

Robby Ostberg is believed to have been playing with the 18th-century replica cannon in the living room of his home in Tremonton, Utah, when it went off Monday morning.

The teenager was left with massive head injuries and died in his home.

Cops investigating the incident initially thought the cannon, which has a 6-inch barrel, was decorative, but they discovered that it was designed to fire a .50-caliber round, Tremonton police chief David Nance said.

"It's something that can be used as a noisemaker or actually shoot a projectile," Nance told the newspaper. "We don't know exactly what was in it or if there was a projectile."

The victim's brother was in the room when the cannon went off but did not have many details about the incident.

Nance said investigators did not know what caused the incident but hoped an autopsy would discover what combustible material may have been used in the cannon and how it was ignited.

Danielle Kunsman, a friend of the family, said that Robby previously had demonstrated the replica firearm for others and described him as "very talented, mechanically."

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