Understand This Before You Enter Into a Relationship With an Entrepreneur

A relationship in of itself can be hard. Add entrepreneurship into the mix, and it can get complicated. It takes a special kind of person to be an entrepreneur. You have to be self-motivated and driven by a bigger why. You have to ignore your doubts and fear and leave a more secure work situation for the roller coaster ride that owning a business can bring. It takes an even more special person to enter into a relationship with an entrepreneur.

When someone is building a business, it takes a lot of their time, attention and focus -- he very things that a strong relationship requires. If you are going to enter into a relationship with an entrepreneur, there are some things you should understand first. Growing a business is hard enough on its own. Adding relationship troubles into the mix will only hurt you and the entrepreneur you are trying to be with.

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The work will take priority more often than it should.

There is a concept called “balance.” The world would be a great place if more of us could master this concept, but it’s easier said than done. In a relationship, your partner should have some priority over other things. This isn’t to say that you worship the person, but you do think about them in a better/different way.

For an entrepreneur, it can be hard putting the relationship before the business. Growing a business is like raising a child. While you may even be in love with the person you are in a relationship with, the business still holds a special place in your heart and mind. If you are going to enter into a relationship with an entrepreneur, understand this. Give the person the space they need. Don’t be jealous and don’t try to make them choose. Be a support system for them and they will love you all the more.

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The entrepreneur's range of emotions can be a turn-off.

The range of emotions an entrepreneur can experience in a day can be scary. Some days your business has you on cloud nine, on others, it has you wanting to give up. If are with an entrepreneur, you have to be ready and understand. At times, it might feel like you are with some who’s bipolar, but that’s not the case.

Our natural inclination is to want the person we’re with to always be happy. We want to see them smiling because it helps us feel like everything is good. But, sometimes things aren’t good. Sometimes the business puts us in a bad mood and we just don’t feel like smiling. Understand what is going on and try to understand the person you are with. Try to learn how they react and the best way to support them through the range of emotions. It doesn’t have to end the relationship. You can be the support system they need.

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You will deal with many people competing for the entrepreneur's attention.

As someone grows a business, they will become more popular. With social media these days, your following can literally be in the millions. That means there will be a lot of people trying to get the attention of the entrepreneur you are with. It can be an issue that makes or breaks your relationship.

Attention is a valuable commodity. Entrepreneurs charge their customers a premium for it. Realize that it’s special when they give you priority and give you a good amount of their attention. Understand that, as the business grows, so will the demand for their attention. This isn’t something to get scared or nervous about. Be confident in yourself and the relationship.

Love is a beautiful feeling/emotion many of us will get to experience at least once in our life. It can be a high that takes you above the clouds or a low that makes you want to run and hide. The thing to understand is that you a choice. You decide which path love will take you on with the actions you take.

Understand that it won’t be easy being in a relationship with an entrepreneur. At times, you will hate their business and think about moving on. There is a special person that can be yours if you can deal with the realities of building a business. Be the support they need and they will love you forever.