U.Va. administrator files 1st lawsuit vs. Rolling Stone for retracted campus rape article

A retracted Rolling Stone magazine article that portrayed the University of Virginia as more concerned about its reputation than a student's tale of a gang rape has prompted the first of two expected lawsuits.

Calling the story a "monumental hoax," attorneys for a U.Va. administrator sued the magazine Tuesday in a legal claim seeking $7.5 million.

As the top U.Va. official dealing with sexual assaults at the Charlottesville school, Nicole Eramo's lawsuit says she was cast as the "chief villain" in the discredited and debunked piece.

The fraternity where Rolling Stone falsely claimed the brutal sexual assault occurred has also given strong signals it plans to sue.

No one at Rolling Stone was fired or disciplined as a result of the article.

Rolling Stone had no comment on Eramo's lawsuit.