This Gizmo Literally Lets You See Through Walls

I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have x-ray vision. As a homeowner and frequent do-it-yourself renovator, I’ve especially wondered -- and needed -- to know exactly what’s inside a wall.

Hey, dreams can become reality. Enter Walabot DIY, a gizmo that attaches to your smartphone via a magnet. Its sensors can “see” things within your walls, such as plastic and metal pipes, electrical wires and studs. Israel-based Vayyar Imaging, the 3-D imaging sensor company behind Walabot DIY says it can see up to four inches deep into walls made of drywall or even cement.

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So, it’s kind of like a traditional stud finder, but with super x-ray vision steroids.

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Owning a home and doing renovations yourself can be a treacherous undertaking. Cutting or hammering through walls can be dangerous if you don’t know what’s inside of them -- namely gas pipes, live electrical wires, water pipes, you name it.

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The Walabot DIY can apparently even detect motion, so if you think you have a rodent problem, it can probably confirm it. Check out the promotional video above.

To start, Walabot DIY will be compatible with Android phones only. You can pre-order one for $199. Eventually, they will retail starting at $299.