Thieves rappel into Washington gallery, steal two artworks

Two thieves broke through a skylight and rappelled into a Washington gallery where they made off with two large pieces of art, The News Tribune reported Sunday.

The burglary happened sometime late Friday or early Saturday after the Matter Gallery in Olympia had closed for the night.

The thieves apparently broke a skylight on the roof and then shimmied down to the gallery below, taking off with two large artworks: a piece that is 50 inches in diameter and valued at $800, and a piece that is 56 inches by 40 inches and valued at $600, according to gallery owner Jo Gallaugher.

It is unclear if the thieves used the door to haul the art out or if they sent the stolen pieces back up through the skylight.

Gallaugher said she believes at least one of the pieces, which features skiing, was targeted.

"I have far more expensive pieces in the gallery," she said told The Tribune. "The pieces they chose are the pieces that are most often admired by men in their 20s."

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