The Latest: Schools try to cope with California heat wave

The Latest on Southern California's fall heat spell (all times local):

11:55 a.m.

Schools across Southern California are coping with another day of sweltering temperatures — in some instances, rotating children through air-conditioned classrooms to stay cool.

In the Orange County city of Westminster, Principal Dena Kiouses says she sent a message to parents at Fryberger Elementary School asking that they dress their children in loose-fitting, lightweight clothing Thursday and send water bottles.

She says a sign-up sheet is out for teachers to cycle their classes through air-conditioned portables.

The nearly 10,000-student Westminster School District is one of a number of districts urging voters to approve bond measures in November to upgrade aging campuses, partly by adding air-conditioning.

Temperatures could reach 100 in the hottest coastal and valley locations amid a heat wave fueled by Santa Ana winds. It also has raised the risk of wildfires.