The Latest: Juror with 'medical emergency' replaced by alternate at Freddie Gray trial

The latest on the trial of a Baltimore police officer in the death of Freddie Gray.

10 a.m.

One of the jurors has been replaced at the trial of a Baltimore police officer charged with manslaughter in the death of Freddie Gray.

Baltimore Circuit Judge Barry Williams announced at the outset of Monday's session that juror number eight, a woman, has been excused due to a medical emergency. She's been replaced on the 12-member panel by alternate juror number one, a man.

The substitution shifts the makeup of the jury to seven women and five men.

The change came on the sixth day of the trial of Officer William Porter. He's the first of six officers charged in the case to face trial.

Gray was a 25-year-old black man who died in April after suffering a neck injury in police custody. Officer Porter is also black.


10 a.m.

A persistent protester is continuing his demonstration outside the Baltimore courthouse where the first trial of a police officer charged in connection with the death of Freddie Gray enters its second week.

Seventy-two-year-old Arthur Johnson carried a sign Monday reading, "Justice for Freddie Gray." The sign also bore a photo of the 25-year-old black man whose death from injuries he suffered in police custody prompted rioting in Baltimore last April.

Johnson says he's a retired Bethlehem Steel crane operator. He has been among the few demonstrators to show up daily.

Officer William Porter, who is also black, is charged with manslaughter, assault, misconduct in office and reckless endangerment. He's the first of six officers charged in connection with Gray's death to face trial.


6:15 a.m.

Assistant medical examiner Dr. Carol Allan will continue her testimony Monday in the trial of William Porter, one of six Baltimore police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray.

Allan testified Friday that Gray died of a neck injury, and that his death was ruled a homicide.

Gray's injury, a spinal contusion near his brain stem, was so severe that it caused swelling, bleeding and tissue death. An autopsy report says Gray suffered the injury sometime between the second and fourth stop in the roughly 45-minute van ride between the scene of the arrest and when Gray was found unresponsive at the Western District station house, but could have been exacerbated because it wasn't treated right away.

Trial resumes Monday.