The Latest: Hawaii prison sex abuse suit not served yet

The Latest on a lawsuit alleging sexual assault at Hawaii's women's prison (all times local):

5 p.m.

Hawaii's Department of Public Safety hasn't yet been served with a lawsuit alleging that guards and a worker sexually assaulted 10 inmates at the state's women's prison.

Department spokeswoman Toni Schwartz said Friday officials won't comment until they receive the lawsuit and have had time to discuss it with lawyers.

The women's lawsuit says the employees gave them food, makeup, crystal meth and special privileges for complying with sexual demands.

One of the allegations describes a female guard coercing an inmate to have sex in a control room, a bathroom and a closet.

Another allegation describes a male guard forcing a woman to perform oral sex and then taunting her about it when her boyfriend visited.

The lawsuit says one of the plaintiffs attempted suicide.


11:15 a.m.

Ten women allege in a federal lawsuit that guards and a worker at a Hawaii prison sexually assaulted them while they were incarcerated.

The lawsuit filed Thursday says the employees gave the women food, makeup, crystal meth and special privileges for complying with sexual demands.

The state Department of Public Safety, which oversees the women's prison, didn't immediately respond to requests for comment Friday.

One of the allegations describes a female guard coercing an inmate to have sex in a control room, a bathroom and a closet.

Another allegation describes a male guard forcing a woman to perform oral sex and then taunting her about it when her boyfriend visited.

The lawsuit says one of the plaintiffs attempted suicide.

The women seek damages for alleged emotional distress and deprived rights.