The Latest: Haley urges UN to get serious about Hezbollah

The Latest on the visit of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri to the White House (all times local):

7 p.m.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is urging the U.N. Security Council to acknowledge that Hezbollah — which it has not even named in recent resolutions — "is a destructive terrorist force" and "a major obstacle to peace" that is "dedicated to the destruction of Israel."

She said the council must get serious about enforcing its resolutions that have been routinely violated by Hezbollah and its backer Iran, including many calling on the militant group to disarm.

Haley said the U.N. peacekeeping force in Lebanon must also do "much more" to help prevent another conflict, starting by acknowledging "illegal weapons that Hezbollah parades in front of the media."

She warned that the dangers Hezbollah poses "are getting larger, not smaller" and it's time to acknowledge this and get serious about enforcing U.N. resolutions.


3:45 p.m.

President Donald Trump says supporting the humanitarian needs of Syrian refugees as close to their home country as possible is the best way to help them.

Trump says the U.S. has helped the Lebanese support Syrian refugees who are flooding into Lebanon by providing clean water, food, shelter and health care.

Trump made the comments at a White House news conference alongside Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri.

Hariri was expected to seek additional U.S. aid to cope with the refugee influx. Syrian refugees make up about 25 percent of Lebanon's population of some 6 million people.

Hariri says he shared with Trump his vision for coping with the refugee crisis.


2:45 p.m.

President Donald Trump and Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri are pledging to fight terrorism to the end.

Hariri is visiting the White House for talks with Trump and their respective delegations. A joint news conference is planned afterward.

Hariri said in brief remarks before an expanded meeting with aides that he hopes the partnership between the U.S. and Lebanon against terrorism will continue until terrorists are defeated.

Trump responded, "We will do that."

Trump said Hariri is winning the fight against ISIS and others and that "ultimately you will win ... we have great confidence in you."


2 p.m.

President Donald Trump has welcomed Lebanon's prime minister to the White House for talks.

Trump and Prime Minister Saad Hariri (sahd hah-REER'-ee) are scheduled to answer reporters' questions during a joint news conference in the Rose Garden after they meet.

The White House said last week that the leaders would discuss terrorism, refugees and the economy, among other issues.

Hariri is likely to ask for U.S. financial aid to cope with the flood of Syrian refugees entering his country due to the civil war there. Syrian refugees make up about 25 percent of Lebanon's population of about 6 million people.

Other items on the prime minister's agenda are continued U.S. support for the Lebanese military, and plans by the U.S. to tighten sanctions on the militant group Hezbollah.