The Latest: 10 arrests overnight in calmer Milwaukee

Police prepare to close a park in Milwaukee, Monday, Aug. 15, 2016. Following a night of violence that left half a dozen businesses in flames, the Milwaukee police chief expressed surprise at the level of unrest that erupted after the fatal shooting of a black man by a black officer. "This was, quite frankly, unanticipated," Chief Edward Flynn said Monday, two days after the worst of the rioting hit the Sherman Park neighborhood on the city's economically depressed and largely black north side. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Phelps) (The Associated Press)

The Latest on violence in Milwaukee following the shooting of a black man by a police officer (all times local):

10:25 a.m.

Police say they arrested 10 people overnight but that Milwaukee's north side was much calmer than over the weekend when violent protests over the shooting of a black man rocked the area.

The department also tweeted Tuesday that only one shot was fired, which is far fewer than the previous two nights. And police noted zero injured officers, no damaged vehicles and no damage to businesses or residences.

Six businesses were burned Saturday night, the first and worst night of the unrest.

Chief Edward Flynn is briefing a closed meeting of city council members Tuesday morning.

Police say the man who was shot Saturday was fleeing from police and had turned with a gun in hand toward the pursuing officer, who was also black. The state is investigating.


7:47 a.m.

Residents in a Milwaukee neighborhood marred by violence and destruction in the wake of a police shooting are waking up after a much calmer night.

The Sherman Park neighborhood erupted in chaos Saturday night after a black suspect was fatally shot by a black Milwaukee police officer. Businesses burned, gunshots rang out and police in riot gear were pelted with rocks and other objects. The violence continued, to a lesser degree, on Sunday night.

Officials promised strict enforcement of a 10 p.m. curfew for teens Monday night and closed Sherman Park at 6 p.m.

Police Chief Edward Flynn says there were some confrontations and six people were arrested Monday night, but that the neighborhood was relatively calm compared to the weekend.