Texas judge orders teen's lawyers to turn 'affluenza' records over to injured boy's side

A judge has ordered attorneys for the North Texas teenager who killed four people in a deadly wreck to turn over the records of the psychologist who claimed the teen suffered from "affluenza."

Judge R.H. Wallace Jr.'s Friday ruling rejected arguments by Ethan Couch's attorneys.

Dr. Dick Miller testified last year that Couch was coddled into a sense of irresponsibility by his wealthy parents — a condition Miller called "affluenza." Couch was 16 years old when he drunkenly rammed a pickup truck into a crowd of people, killing four. He was given probation.

The family of a boy injured in the wreck is suing Couch's family and wants Miller's records as part of their case.

Couch attorney Michael Yanof said Friday that he would likely appeal Wallace's ruling.