Teen gets 30 years for murdering homeless man

A teenager who was 12 years old when he killed a homeless man in Florida has been sentenced to 30 years in prison.

The Florida Times-Union (https://goo.gl/5v2qYk) reports that the now-15-year-old boy was sentenced Monday. He pleaded guilty to second-degree murder last year for the 2014 killing of 54-year-old Thomas Zona Trent in Jacksonville.

The newspaper said that, as a part of a negotiated plea, the sentence had to be at least 10 years but could not exceed 40 years.

If the Department of Juvenile Justice agrees, the teenager will be able to stay in its custody until he is 21.

The state also agreed to allow the sentence to be reviewed after 15 years.


Information from: The (Jacksonville) Florida Times-Union, http://www.jacksonville.com