Sept. 2 hearing set as member of Angola Three seeks freedom, end to trials in guard's death

A federal appeals court in New Orleans has set arguments for Sept. 2 in the case of longtime Louisiana inmate Albert Woodfox.

Woodfox is seeking freedom after decades of prison isolation — and an end to the state's efforts to try him in the 1972 death of a prison guard.

Woodfox's two previous convictions in the guard's death were overturned.

A federal judge ordered Woodfox's release in June and barred a third trial, saying there was no way the state could try Woodfox fairly.

But Woodfox remains jailed while the state pursues the case at the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Woodfox is the last still-incarcerated member of a group that supporters dubbed the "Angola Three" for their decades-long stays in isolation at the Louisiana Penitentiary at Angola.